Honorary Members
The Galveston County Model Railroad Club consists of twenty-two active members and four honorary members. This section of the web site is dedicated to these four special honorary members. The four members are; Kenneth Demaet, Dr. Hugo Linares, Larry and Annie Nalewak and our newest honorary member, Steven Eggleston. The support and contributions of these members have made a huge impact on the success and vitality of our club. We are all proud and honored to have them as Honorary Members of the Galveston County Model Railroad Club. They have all earned and deserve this honor. Some, but not all of contributions and support these members have made to the club are mentioned below.
Ken DeMaet believed in our club and persuaded the museum's directors to allow us to use the second floor (5800 sq. ft.) of the museum for the club layouts and meetings. The club members remodeled the entire second floor, which had previously been used for storage. There has been continuous support from the managers of Texas City and the directors of the museum. We have enjoyed eleven good years at the Texas City Museum and hope this relationship will continue for a long time. Ken and his wife Louise have relocated to central Texas and still remain very active in their community.
Dr. Hugo Linares donated all of the power tools from his workshop, his model train collection and his excellent N-scale module, which is still part of the large N-scale module on display. He continues to support our club and his community with donations and good will. Dr. Linares and his wife Aletta have relocated to North Carolina where they remain very active in their local community.
Larry and Annie Nalewak have been strong supporters of the club from the beginning. Larry and Annie stay busy traveling to various state and national train shows thru out the year. They may be out of town for several weeks at a time but they are never too busy to help us locate "just the right" new engine or models for the club layouts when ever we need them. Larry and his wife Annie live in the local area and are always just a phone call away for the club members, even though they spend a great deal of their time on the road.
Steven Eggleston is always there to offer his help when we need materials for our club area or modules. His rapport with his many friends within the Texas City area has benefited our club immensely over the past several years. He is always there for us when the club needs new materials for projects and activities. Steve and his wife Sandra live in the local area and are always very active in local community affairs.